The 2018 Annual Irish Kennedy Clan gathering will take place on the week-end of 7th /8th July.

Our base for the weekend will be Chief Rody’s  Angelsey Lounge in Rearcross.

Events planned so far include the launch of Brian Patrick Kennedy’s latest publication, dealing with the history of the Irish Kennedys  spread around Ireland, outside of North Tipperary.

Brian will also bring his recently published autobiography ‘A Creative Life’

Professor Mark Kennedy will give an update on his extensive work on Irish Kennedy DNA Project aiming to establish contact between various branches of the Irish Kennedys.

A visit to the Heritage Centre in Nenagh to view The Irish Kennedy Group display there.

We may also be involved in celebrating the life of  Henry Kennedy of Toor who was a prime mover in the establishment of the Irish Co-operative movement.

A trip around Kennedy Country will be centred around the mountainy foothills of Keeper Hill visiting places like Toor, Knocknamoheragh, Glencro, Gortnaskehy, Knockacappal, Tooreenbrien Upper and Lower, taking in some old Kennedy homesteads.

A full enjoyable weekend is anticipated.