9th Annual Kennedy Clan Gathering week beginning 14th July 2019

Sunday 14th July . 2 00 pm.

Assemble at Chief Rody Kennedy’s Angelsey Lounge carpark, Rearcross.  Motor car trip in convoy to Brian Boru’s Fort, Killaloe, the original base and seat of power of King Kennedy of North Munster.  Brief history of Beal Borúmha and environs by Brian Patrick Kennedy.  Return to the Anglesey Lounge, Rearcross, for refreshments.

8.00 pm: Annual Gathering including the launch of Brian Patrick’s latest book – “The Irish Kennedys who moved Eastward – to baronies adjacent to Ormond”

Tuesday 16th July . Coach trip to Dingle Peninsula, Co. Kerry. The Dingle Peninsula has the 2nd highest concentration of Kennedys anywhere in Ireland outside of North Tipperary. Micheál Ó Cinnéide and his Dingle cousins have put together a fantastic list of events for the day beginning in Tom Crean’s South Pole Inn in Anascaul, travelling around the peninsula and ending up back in Dingle before returning to Rearcross. You will also of course have the opportunity to see some of the most beautiful scenery anywhere in Ireland. See attached map and itinerary underneath.

Thursday 18th July.
Visit to the Rock of Cashel, Co. Tipperary. This was the seat of power of the Kings of Munster. Our Chairman, Donncha O Cinnéide has put together a programme of history and culture for the evening of 18th.  Members will make their own way to Cashel in the late afternoon.  A historical walk around the rock featuring a visit to King Cormac’s chapel will be followed by an evening of food, drink, music and entertainment in the nearby Brú Ború Heritage Centre.  Some members may wish to prolong the night by taking in a feast of traditional music into the late hours.

Thursday 18th July.

Visit to the Kennedy Homestead, County Wexford. While this is not on the official program for the Kennedy Gathering this year, some people are planning an independent visit to the ancestral home of US President John F Kennedy at Dunganstown, County Wexford. The visit will make the most of opportunities that they would otherwise miss out on for visitors to Ireland for the Gathering. The journey will be by individual vehicles leaving Chief Rody Kennedys at 9 am on Thursday 18th July. It will return for the visit to the Rock of Cashel in the late afternoon. Visitors wishing to join this tour should contact the address at the end of this newsletter.

Saturday 20th July.

11.00 am.

Foilycleara Kennedy descendant’s gathering.  Assemble at Chief Rody Kennedys at Rearcross.  Visit to the townland of Foilycleara in convoy.  Return to the Anglesey lounge for light lunch and Foilycleara gathering in the afternoon.

8.00 pm

New Ryan book launch. Upperchurch.

The many connections between the Kennedy and Ryan families have been well in evidence at our gatherings. The Kennedys and the Ryans are inextricable. Their relationship goes back many hundreds of years. It is a challenge to find a Kennedy who is not related to the Ryans or a Ryan who is not related to the Kennedys.

“The Ryans of Tipperary and Kilkenny – their origins in Eliogarty, Ikerrin, Kilnamanagh and parts of Clanwilliam, Crannagh, Galmoy and Middlethird baronies.” will be of interest to many of our members.

The launch takes place in Pa Ryan’s Pub, Upperchurch, Thurles on Saturday 20th July. Ryans were first recorded in this area in the year 1305 and there are many of the name there to this day. For those who wish to stay over, B&B accommodation is available adjacent to Pa’s Bar on a first come first served basis