Kennedy Clan Gathering 2023.
Unfortunately it was not possible to hold our annual Clan Gathering in 2022. However the good news is that we are already planning our 2023 gathering. In [...]
Virtual Clan Gathering 2020
Instead of our usual annual gathering in Chief Rody's Lounge in Rearcross, the IKHG will instead host a virtual gathering this year on Sat. 8th Aug starting [...]
2020 Gathering Cancelled
Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic,the committee of the Irish Kennedy Heritage Group has decided to cancel the Annual Clan Gathering scheduled for July 2020. [...]
Brian and Lucinda Kennedy recall visit to Clan Gathering 2019
Walking into Kennedy's bar in Rearcross on a magnificent Irish summer's day became the starting point of one of the most rewarding experiences I can recall. [...]
2019 Clan Gathering Itinerary
9th Annual Kennedy Clan Gathering week beginning 14th July 2019 Sunday 14th July . 2 00 pm. Assemble at Chief Rody Kennedy’s Angelsey Lounge carpark, Rearcross. [...]